Why aren't my colleague and I seeing the same BCC addresses in the same conversation?
Imagine the next scenario in a Missive organization called ACME, where Paul and Bob work together:
Paul wishes to email Bob but also wants to let his friend Julie know about it secretly. So, he creates a draft and sends it to Bob with his friend Julie BCCed (blind carbon copied). This way, Bob won't see Julie included in the recipients.
Paul sees:
TO: bob@acme.com
BCC: julie@gmail.com
Bob gets the email in a private Missive conversation, only seeing his own email in the
line. Curious to discuss the email, Bob mentions Paul@paul
in the chat.By mentioning Paul, Missive combines their separate private conversations into one shared one. For privacy reasons, Missive keeps the BCC hidden.
Bob will only see his address:
TO: bob@acme.com
Paul will see both addresses:
TO: bob@acme.com
BCC: julie@gmail.com
Missive ensures the secrecy of the BCC is maintained, keeping Julie's email hidden from Bob's eyes, even if they share and chat in the same conversation.