Comment styling and formatting

To quote a part of a comment, prepend a greater-than sign (>) before the quoted text:
> This is a quote.
On mulitiple lines.
This part it not quoted.
To quote an entire comment, prepend two greater-than sign (>>) at the beginning of a line:
>> This is a quote.
On multiple lines.
This part is still quoted.
To make text bold, wrap it with asterisks (*), or the shortcut Command
+ B
To make text italic, wrap it with underscores (_) or the shortcut Command
+ I
To strikeout text, wrap it with tildes (~):
To indicate code, wrap it with backticks (`):
`1 + 1 = 2`
To edit the display text of a hyperlink, use the markdown syntax, or the shortcut Command
+ K
How can I add emojis?
Just click on the smiley face in the comment input box.
Or you can just type a colon (:) in the comment input box followed by your emoji search term (:smile), a nice emoji picker will pop-up.